Friday, January 2, 2009

And away we (I) go...

16 degrees in Syracuse at 4:59am on 2 Jan 2009. Warming up I think. Not like it matters much here. As they've always said, if you don't like the weather here, wait a minute, it'll change. This year has been no exception. Dreaming last night was otherworldly. Flying though Liverpool of all places, searching for the grave of a friend, long gone, and a feisty one at that. Why? Why is that part of my existence being tampered with in my subconscious? Or was it a reaction to falling asleep watching "Hancock". 
Unsettled I am (and only mildly Yoda-like). Only a week left of semi-sanity until all hell and madness breaks loose for another 16 weeks. Nursing school is killing me, slowly and not softly. Of all things this past year, Christmas brought my only reprieve. Having a grandsoIn has brought a light into my life that shines like nothing else... Maybe this summer my life can take on a more normal existence, a weekend or two off, vestiges of a hopeful dream. Let me get through this semester first...

18 degrees in Syracuse at 5:12am on 2 Jan 2009. It's definitely warming up.

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